Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Winter Music

Nothing gets me through a tough time like some good new music.  Right now I am listening to Ingrid Michaelson's new album Human Again, and The Band Perry.  The toughest winter of my life coincided with Death Cab for Cuties album "Plans".  Even though life was harsh then, that album is like a warm fuzzy blanket, even when I listen to it now.

So find yourself some beautiful music that speaks to you.  Winter's almost over!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Heart Weekends

I had a long week this week where my view mostly looked like this (on campus at the library).

But I am so blessed to have a boyfriend who surprises me with bubble bath and a dinner date!
Thank goodness for weekends.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nanny Perks

I got this in the mail from the boys I nanny.  It was the sweetest thing ever!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow in Ptown

Ten minutes ago it was snowing and now I look out and can't tell anything happened!  But it was fun to see a glimpse of snow.

It's finally Sunday!  My new time management skills are being put to use and have left me with and extreme appreciation for the weekend.  I have been averaging five hours a day of study and I have time at the end of the day to spend with my favorite person in the world, so if you're stressed, check out that video!  It helped me so much.

Readers, I want to tell you about Zumba.  I love it so much.  I have tried kick-boxing, yoga, and pilates, but Zumba is my fav.  It's like I'm in dance class again, but without the stress of a performance (although I would love to take a performance dance class again sometime in the future), but with all the fun energy and exercise.  I still love the solitude of running around the track once a week, but zumba definitely makes me happy.

Also, I have been suffering the effects of poor dental work, and I can't wait to go to a new dentist on Friday.  Drinking water has been the worst as it passes along my teeth, so it has been a battle to stay hydrated.

"For there was never yet philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently" - Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January Changes

Hello Readers!  I have had a rough start to this quarter/year and today was the first day that went smoothly.  Between switching classes and a seemingly constant evolving schedule I have just been keeping my head above water.  I (finally!) got the wedding plans to a place where I can do the bare minimum until July.  I'm a little depressed that I am too busy to sit around and daydream, but what's a girl to do?

School is doing such a fine job at eating away my time that I have had to ration myself to only two blogging sessions per week.  I know...it's so sad!  But hopefully that will make my posts a little fuller.  I am going to try to take more pictures!

The only reason today finally went smoothly is because of Randy Pausch.  In the midst of my stress yesterday and the ominous procrastination I could see lurking in my near future, I typed in "time management" into google, and this video popped up.  I realized while watching it that I truly undervalue my own time sometimes and I wanted to change that.  Not all of his advice is relevant, but I am now using google calendar to block out every hour of the day, and my to do list just got a little boost.  Today was very successful and it's only 6pm and I have studied for a full five hours and went to two classes.  I am looking forward to my new early bedtime and I hope tomorrow I will keep at it!

This video is super long.  So if you want to watch it, I would reccommend you have time + a pen and paper to take notes.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Best of 2011

I am stealing this idea from a friend's blog...but I really wanted to reflect on the extra-awesome moments of 2011.

1. January: Officially becomeing a nerdy math major.  I have never questioned this choice from that moment.  It has been the most exciting and challenging academic year of my life!  I have way too many textbooks and calculators but lately I have been craving reviewing calculus concepts in my spare time.  Weird, I know, but it will pay off.

2. Summer: Buying a piano from craigslist and November: getting to play at my best friend's wedding!  That was truly awesome and I forgot how much good stress it is preparing and the adrenalin rush when suddenly that many people are listening.  It was such an honor.  Congratulations Jess and Steve!

3. August: Daniel proposing and the ensuing wedding plans.  It really is the most magical time of my life so far.  My aunt would tell us that when you meet the right person it really feels like a fairy tale.  Let's just say I am so happy I moved to Portland.  (Sorry for the mushiness...but it's true.)

4. Family Time: In 2011, we spent most of our time off together with family and made some great memories.  We took four trips to Salt Lake City to throw my sister a wedding shower, see her get married (Congrats Whit and Ben!), our parent's getting to meet each other, and the wedding of my best friend.  We also got to spend Labor Day in Hanford.  These are some of my favorite moments...

5. December: Learning the importance of friends.  Daniel and I had the opportunity to spend Christmas with some new found friends this year and it made all the difference for us.  Very rarely do we get to relate with people our own age and in a similar life-stage as us and when we do it really lifts our spirits and is a reminder that it's ok to act our age.  We also got to go to California to see his friend's wedding which was so beautiful and fun to get to meet his college friends. 

There is so much to look forward to in 2012!  Graduation, wedding, my mom visiting Portland, a new job.  It's going to be awesome.  I hope everyone is looking forward to a great year!