Realizing I am at risk for losing my entire readership (which is probably three at most!), I am postponing my sleepy eyelids for an overdue blog post.

Since I have had the pleasure of writing, I turned 25! And with that big quarter-century birthday, I decided it was time to grow up and wear makeup. Daniel got me the Bare Escentuals starter kit that I have been wanting, and I wore it all weekend to my numerous birthday/engagement celebrations in Salt Lake City (Thank you all for such a good time!) So far, I love it. I had no makeup lines and it just brightened up my look like it's supposed to. I especially love that the shade of eyeshadow I got is called "cupcake". During the week while I'm at school or nannying, I still only throw on mascara and a little blush.

Speaking of my fabulous weekend in SLC!...Not to overshadow how amazing it was to see every member of my family, and enjoy D's parents meeting my fam, I still have to say I get so tickled about seeing my nieces and nephews. I got my nieces a new book to celebrate their new twin brothers, and made the mistake of giving a 3-year-old and a 2-year-old lip gloss. I'm pretty sure they have eaten all of it by now.

Daniel and I also took our parents on another visit to our wedding venue (His parents' first time, our second). Here are a few pictures I took of the house and the surrounding yard. It's getting harder and harder not to think about the wedding!

In other news, this is the dress I am thinking of wearing to my best friend's wedding. (I love saying that! You only get to say it once.) I am so excited for her. I got to spend a little time with her and her fiancee over the weekend and I can't wait until her wedding.
Lastly...drumroll please, I got an iphone4!! I left my phone charger in SLC, and needed one in a pinch as I was on nanny duty. As is always the case, it was a better deal to renew my plan and get the discounted upgrade, then it was to spend any more money on my ghetto phone. I also couldn't resist decking it out in faux burberry.
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