Now that school's out and the job hunt is underway, I have decided to get my apartment in order. We have a spare room which is a
very, very dangerous thing. If I don't know where to put something, I just put it in the spare room. But that's all about to change.
2 weeks ago, I had had enough of not having any bathroom storage so I bought this shelf that goes over the toilet. It's so nice not to have to yell for each other (or worse!) when the toilet paper runs out or we forgot to replace our towel.

About a week ago, I went into Target for the first time in years and now I am embarrassed about how many hours I have spent in there since. They have thought of everything!! And I am tired of paying through the nose at the stores by my house. I got this memo board there and I am waiting for some prints of our nieces and nephews to arrive from shutterfly. I felt inspired to create a little command center since I don't need
the office anymore.

It's nice to take back the dining space. Tomorrow I'll stop at the farmer's market and get some fresh flowers for the table.

Finally...I tackled the spare room, and it was a struggle! I had to separate everything out into categories and think about what thing's needed to be accessible, and what could be tucked away.

I successfully got the spare room closet and the hall closet in order, but I soon realized that I would have to make a purchase to finish my project, and that I will have to wait for tomorrow. So sad. But stay tuned, and tomorrow I'll post the finished project.

Sneak peek for tomorrow! The last area in the apartment that is
not working is our bedroom closet. Tonight and tomorrow, I am going to try to whip it into shape.
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